Dive Helmets
Typically found deep under the sea, our Antique Diving Helmet reproductions are a unique conversation piece for your home or office. Our diving helmets are reproductions of the original helmet used as part of the "Standard Diving Dress" and consist of primarily what was known as the Bonnet. The Bonnet is the spun copper shell with soldered brass or bronze fittings and was attached to the Corselet, which supported the weight of the helmet on the diver's shoulders (our bases replace the Corselet for display purposes). An air hose, and later a telephone line, were attached to the helmet from the surface to provide air and voice communication. The intricate details on these Mark V Dive Helmets are sure to impress everyone who lays eyes upon their gorgeous copper and brass finish. As always, our products come with Free Shipping to the Continental US with no minimum spend and are backed by our Lowest Price and Satisfaction Guarantees.
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